Why Saving Private Ryan Is Still Steven Spielberg's Best Movie

Why Saving Private Ryan Is Still Steven Spielberg's Best Movie

There is arguably no name more synonymous with blockbuster filmmaking than Steven Spielberg. The Ready Player One director has continuously set the standard for spectacle over the course of his lengthy career, with films like Jaws, Jurassic Park and Raiders of the Lost Ark all representing standout moments in an already stellar filmography. Then there's his 1998 film, Saving Private Ryan, which is in a league of its own. In fact, I'm here today to tell you that Saving Private Ryan isn't just a good Spielberg film; it's his best.

Right off the bat, it needs to be said that there are essentially two different types of Steven Spielberg movie in Hollywood: the family-friendly adventure and the hard-hitting, gritty drama. For the sake of reference, the Indiana Jones franchise represents the former, while films like Munich and Schindler's List represent the latter. That said, Saving Private Ryan arguably stands out for having the most full-bodied emotional experience of any Spielberg movie. Yes, the film ultimately provides a visceral, bloody and downright nasty depiction of war, but it's also full of lighthearted humor, gut-wrenching death scenes, and sequences of genuine brotherly bonding between the main cast of soldiers on their quest to find Private James Ryan.

That also doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the film's status as a technical marvel. In fact, twenty years after its initial theatrical debut, the Normandy invasion scene arguably remains the benchmark for modern war films. If you need a refresher course in how good it truly is, check it out, below.

That scene hit theaters back in 1998, and it still feels like the gold-standard for war movie filmmaking. From the sound design and the realistic performances to the unflinching depiction of brutality and Spielberg's sheer ability to maintain a coherent sense of logic amid all of the chaos, Saving Private Ryan's opening battle remains a masterclass in action filmmaking and dramatic storytelling. Then, things only get more complicated and intricate from there as the filmmaking legend weaves a history lesson, non-stop action and character-driven drama together into one cohesive narrative from start to finish.

Now, some of you obviously will argue that Steven Spielberg has delivered similarly-intricate adventures in other projects. That's not an incorrect assessment of his work. However, Saving Private Ryan stands out among the pack for Spielberg's ability to balance genuine authenticity with a level of scope that's rare to see without an abundance of CGI backing it up.

Such a legacy can also be seen when looking at most forms of World War II pop culture that have debuted in the years since Saving Private Ryan initially premiered. Look at almost any World War II video game that features a D-Day invasion sequence; the chances are that you will find at least one element from that gameplay that mirrors a moment crafted by Spielberg in Saving Private Ryan.

You don't believe me? Check out the following clip to see how the aforementioned D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan lines up with the depiction seen in 2002's Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

You might be asking what the point of this comparison is right now. Well, it's important to note these similarities because it shows how much a Steven Spielberg movie has colored the overall pop culture perception of one of the most iconic battles in human history.

However, despite the sheer scope and scale of the film, Saving Private Ryan never loses sight of the personal nature of its story. While some contemporary war movies can get bogged down in the spectacle of their narratives (see: Dunkirk), Saving Private Ryan consistently circles back to the inner lives of its characters and their desire to get away from the war after the completion of their mission.

You've seen the battle scenes, but to hammer that last point home, you need to re-watch Tom Hanks' famous monologue scene as well. Check it out, below.

Of course, that's my take. What's yours? Do you think Saving Private Ryan is the best Steven Spielberg movie ever made, or do you think another entry in his filmography holds that honor? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and make sure to check out Spielberg's latest directorial effort with Ready Player One, which is now in theaters.

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Star Trek 4 Without Chris Pine? Here's What One Producer Says

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Bond, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek, many of Hollywood's biggest franchises have been in a bit of turmoil of late. With regards to Star Trek, the fourth film in the rebooted franchise hit a snag when Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth exited talks to star in the film over pay cuts. Hemsworth would have returned to the franchise as George Kirk following his brief time in the role in 2009's Star Trek. But Chris Pine is the lead of the franchise as Kirk, and there are questions of whether or not a Star Trek 4 can even happen or work without him. As for film producer Adi Shankar, he thinks that the lack of Chris Pine could be a good thing, as he explained:

Losing Pine and Kirk is not a big deal and kind of cool. Actors don't matter, stories do. This is the universe presenting an opportunity to do something different and boldly go where no suits have gone before.

So Adi Shankar agrees with CinemaBlend's Dirk Libbey that Star Trek 4 doesn't need Chris Pine. Although many fans and actors might have issue with Adi Shankar's hot take here, he makes an interesting point. Based on his comments to Screen Rant, Adi Shankar seems to see losing Chris Pine as something of a blessing in disguise for Star Trek 4. If the actor does not return, that forces them to come up with a new story that is different and possibly more fresh and daring than otherwise possible. He believes that the main thing that matters is the story, and technically a Star Trek 4 story can be created that does not need Chris Pine or his Captain Kirk.

In this day and age there is an argument to be made that stars don't matter, at least not as much as they used to. So Adi Shankar makes a good point in that regard, the large majority of audiences probably see a Star Trek movie first because it is a Star Trek movie, and second because of the specific actors involved. Despite that, a Star Trek 4 without Chris Pine means no Kirk and characters do matter to a franchise, especially when they are the main ones.

There have been plenty of Star Trek movies and series without James T. Kirk before, so obviously there is precedent set. This isn't Harry Potter without the title character. But removing Captain Kirk from the middle of the Kelvin timeline would be jarring-- especially if the rest of the cast returns. Star Trek 4 would have to do some legwork and exposition to explain Captain Kirk's absence. This is doable, but its certainly an interesting challenge for a potential filmmaker. Obviously the expected story involving James Kirk and his father meeting through time travel to be changed. Where the story could go from there is anyone's guess, and that alone is exciting.

This debate may all be for naught, if Chris Pine and Paramount are able to come to terms for the actor to return for Star Trek 4. But if that doesn't happen then the franchise is unquestionably faced with a dilemma. It could forge ahead as Adi Shankar suggests, boldly going where it never has before, or Paramount could simply recast Kirk and hope that the audience accepts it.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated in what's going on with the Star Trek franchise and Star Trek 4.

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