Clark Gregg Calls Captain Marvel Trolls Butthurt

Clark Gregg Calls Captain Marvel Trolls Butthurt

It's a very exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase Three will come to an end next month with Avengers: Endgame, one year after audiences were left mouths agape at the horrifying twist ending of Infinity War. But before that we have Captain Marvel, the 90's set origin story which flew into theaters this weekend, making a ton of money in the process. In addition to introducing Carol Danvers, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's Marvel blockbuster included plenty of familiar faces including Nick Fury, Korath, Ronan, and Phil Coulson.

Clark Gregg is back on the silver screen playing a younger Phil Coulson, who is still a rookie at S.H.I.E.L.D.. Ahead of its release, Captain Marvel fell victim to online trolling, including the film's Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes pages. While measures were made to fix this issue, Gregg had some choice words for those trolls and haters. He recently spoke to the trolling situation, saying:

I dont know if the expression is butthurt about seeing someone else get a hero that looks like them, but thats because theyve always had heroes that looked like them.

Just when you thought you'd heard it all, there's Agent Coulson using the expression "butthurt". But Captain Marvel haters do seem to have a certain axe to grind, with the anger directed at Brie Larson specifically, especially from white men who took umbrage with her previous comments about diversity in the press.

Early into the press tour for Captain Marvel, Brie Larson expressed her disappointment that reviewers and film journalists she'd run into were primary white males. While encouraging inclusion in all aspects of the film world, she majorly ticked off certain fans who felt like she was trying to exclude them from the upcoming blockbuster. Those naysayers took to the internet to explain their issues, and Captain Marvel's reviews and scores ahead of its release plummeted.

In his same conversation with Nerdist, Clark Gregg went on to explain how futile the resistance against Captain Marvel and other female-led properties ultimately is, As he describes it,

There are people that get very bent out of shape about the fact that shes a woman, and that Bries a woman, and wants to see women moving into an equal place in humanity to men. Its sad. It must be sad to be that kind of dinosaur wandering towards the tar pits.

Phil Coulson isn't here for Captain Marvel trolls, and he's making his feelings known. While some actors have been known to curb their language about haters, Clark Gregg went so far as to call the haters butthurt dinosaurs. So yeah, he's not exactly holding back much regarding the naysayers for the newest Marvel blockbuster.

You can see Clark Gregg's conversation about Captain Marvel below, dinosaurs and all.

Clark Gregg has spent a great number of years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, on both the small and silver screen. As such, he's got a particular level of investment. So when trolling begins, he responded in an honest way.

The backlash for Captain Marvel started back in June of 2018, when Brie Larson was accepting an award at the Crystal + Lucy Awards. While discussing the call for inclusion both in front and behind the camera, Larson discussed how diversity also needed to be reflected in the press. Her original comments read:

[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didnt work for him about [A] Wrinkle in Time. It wasnt made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.

While uttered many months ago, Brie Larson's comments citing a 40-year-old white dude ended up being the catalyst for online Captain Marvel hatred. Websites like Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango saw a ton of negative comments about the Marvel blockbuster, weeks before it actually arrived in theaters this past weekend. The trolling specifically cited Larson's speech, with white men claiming to boycott the blockbusters in response.

Brie Larson eventually clarified her comments during the press junket for Captain Marvel. Reelblend co-host Kevin McCarthy discussed the controversy with Larson shortly before the movie arrived in in theaters. The Oscar winner had this to say:

What Im looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one is getting their chair taken away. Theres not less seats at the table, theres just more seats at the table.

While Brie Larson got the chance to expand her comment, there was still plenty of trolling heading to Captain Marvel in the days before it finally arrived. But that controversy doesn't seem to have negatively affected the blockbuster. Brie Larson's Marvel debut made a whopping $153 million domestically during its opening weekend, with pre-sales among the MCU's biggest. The movie has also made $303,285,175 internationally, so Marvel Studios is really raking in the dough with Captain Marvel.

It should be interesting to see if/when the Captain Marvel the trolling ceases, especially as the title character becomes a bigger presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She's expected to have a meaty role in Avengers: Endgame, as the surviving heroes will need all the help they can get in order to face off against Thanos and hopefully reverse the affects of The Snap. Carol Danvers is the strongest hero in the entire shared universe, so it should be especially exciting if she lays the smack down on Josh Brolin's big purple villain sometime during the upcoming blockbuster.

As for Phil Coulson, it's unclear if he'll get another silver screen appearance. While the character is the focus of the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers still believe him to have died at the hands of Loki. But with the future of the MCU after Endgame largely a mystery, it seems anything is possible.

You can see a digitally de-aged Phil Coulson in Captain Marvel, which is in theaters now. Carol Danvers will return to the MCU with Avengers: Endgame on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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All The Rumors Currently Swirling About X-Men: Dark Phoenix Reshoots

All The Rumors Currently Swirling About X-Men: Dark Phoenix Reshoots

The Deadpool 2 home release may be upon us, but other X-Men franchise fans continue to look ahead to the release of X-Men: Dark Phoenix, which will offer up a new take on The Dark Phoenix Saga that X-Men: The Last Stand fumbled back in 2006. There's a lot of anticipation surrounding the film, particularly with recent rumors suggesting that the film would go through three months of reshoots, but now it seems that the rumors of such extensive overhauls have been greatly exaggerated.

This story began recently when French outlet LaPresse reported that X-Men: Dark Phoenix was going back to the drawing board in a major way. The rumor had indicated that Dark Phoenix would undergo three full months of reshoots to alter its story and structure, but according to a new report from Collider, that's apparently not the case. In reality, this new information states that Dark Phoenix's Montreal-based reshoots are closer to two and a half weeks in length, which is far more standard for a film of this size.

Of course, that raises questions about what director Simon Kinberg is altering in those two weeks of reshoots. According to the Collider report, Dark Phoenix is adding some action to the third act, adding some new scenes, and providing some extra coverage for some of the other scenes that have already been filmed for the movie. Again, this is fairly standard stuff, and not entirely out of the ordinary for a tentpole blockbuster.

With all of that said, it is arguably not unreasonable to have gotten caught up in the fervor surrounding X-Men: Dark Phoenix and the massive potential changes that some people had assumed were happening. Thus far, we have seen practically nothing from the movie throughout the curse of its production aside from a few pictures, and the constant shuffling of the X-Men franchise slate (which also includes The New Mutants) has caused alarm among some fans. Nevertheless, it seems that the version of X-Men: Dark Phoenix that will hit theaters is still relatively close to the originally-envisioned storyline.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix is a brand-new adaptation of The Dark Phoenix Saga. Set in the 1990s, the follow-up to X-Men: Apocalypse will follow Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) as she struggles to contain her burgeoning powers and the fallout that they can cause. In addition to Turner, the film will see the return of fan-favorite X-Men mainstays like James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, as well as newcomer Jessica Chastain -- whose role remains firmly under wraps at this point in time.

CinemaBlend will bring you more information related to X-Men: Dark Phoenix as new details about the film surface. The 1990s-set mutant adventure will premiere on the big screen on February 14, 2019! As for this year, head over to our movie premiere guide to stay up-to-date on 2018's major release dates!

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