Tron: Legacy Producer Is Still Hoping Tron 3 Will Happen Eventually

Tron: Legacy Producer Is Still Hoping Tron 3 Will Happen Eventually

Its not as uncommon nowadays for a movie to get a sequel decades later. Take 2010s Tron: Legacy. That movie arrived 28 years after the original Tron movie was released, and the plan was for another sequel to follow after Legacy. However, due to Legacys mixed critical reception and underwhelming box office performance, Tron 3 was put on the back burner and now essentially rests in development hell. Nevertheless, Legacy producer Justin Springer is hopeful that Tron 3 will one day actually be made. As he put it:

Look, I will never stop being interested in making a TRON movie. I love the opportunity to do it. Its a title that never really goes away internally. Theres always people around the company who like it a whole lot. And so, well see what happens. It would be great to get the opportunity to do it again. Its interesting what I will say is that I think it continues to be relevant both in its ideas and also just the visual iconography of it. I think people are still are interested in it and it still feels contemporary to me. So its just about finding the right time, right script, and the right people at the studio saying yes. You know, just the usual.

While Justin Springers comments dont provide any renewed hope that Disney will want to move forward with Tron 3, its still good to hear hes interested in keeping the franchise going. While 1982s Tron was certainly a visual triumph for its time, Tron: Legacy kicked up several levels with its impressive effects and production design, making it look like a proper Hollywood blockbuster. Alas, who knows if well ever return to the digital realm, although Ehren Kruger, who co-produced Dumbo with Springer, stated during the Slashfilm interview that all Springer needs is for the fans to demand it, just like last time. That might not carry the same weight it did a decade ago, but enthusiasm from the fanbase certainly doesnt hurt.

Tron: Legacy certainly set the stage for Tron 3, mainly with Olivia Wildes Quorra, the sole surviving ISO (isomorphic algorithm) from The Grid, being brought back to the real world with Garrett Hedlunds Sam Flynn, who was planning to take back his fathers company, ENCOM. We were also treated to a minor appearance from Cillian Murphy as Edward Dillinger Jr., whose father was the villain from the first Tron movie, so perhaps Jr. would have followed in those sinister footsteps.

For now though, theres still no movement on Tron 3, and when asked last year why this threequel never happened, Garrett Hedlund attributed it to Disney getting cold feet following the disappointing performance of 2014s Tomorrowland. In fact, the Tron franchise as a whole seems to be dormant. Two years after Tron: Legacy came out, the prequel TV series Tron: Uprising aired on Disney XD, but that only lasted a season. In 2017, it was reported that Disney was considering making a Tron reboot instead starring Jared Leto, but that project hasnt had any traction either. Still, there is a Tron rollercoaster at Shanghai Disneyland and another one is being constructed for Disney World, so the franchise will at least still be somewhat in the public consciousness.

Rest assured, if theres any news about another Tron movie, we here at CinemaBlend will let you know about it. For now, take a look at what movies are coming out later this year in our 2019 release schedule.

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Why One Shazam! Actor Thinks The DC Movie Works Better Than Some Recent Superhero Films

Why One Shazam! Actor Thinks The DC Movie Works Better Than Some Recent Superhero Films

Since it was announced, Shazam! has always seemed like something of an outlier in the DCEU and among comic book movies in general. The story of a kid who gets magical powers from a wizard that transform him into an adult superhero is unlike anything else out there. And judging by the recent teaser for the film, Shazam! is a fun and truly unique superhero film. Part of that uniqueness is that this movie seems to operate on a smaller scale than we're accustomed to. For Cooper Andrews, who plays Billy Batson's foster father, Victor Vasquez, that scale is what makes the film work better than some recent superhero films, as he explained:

The thing about it is that there's no massive war. There's something very grounded and real about this script, despite the fact that it's about a 15 year-old who says a magic word and turns into a superhero. There's still something very real, something that speaks to everyone, I think, on this one.

It might be strange to think of a movie with magic and superheroes as grounded, but The Walking Dead's Cooper Andrews made a great point here to Shazam! isn't some epic contest against alien invaders as we've seen recently in both the MCU and DCEU. Instead, Shazam! is a superhero movie that tells a story that everyone can relate to. Sure, it's about a kid who gets superpowers, but that glee trying out the powers we saw in the trailer is something we would all feel. There will be stakes, but they will be more personal than cosmic. That distinction can set Shazam! apart from its contemporaries and for the better.

What we don't know about Shazam! still far outweighs what we do know, but this more grounded story lines up with what we've heard about the film. Director David F. Sandberg has called it a Christmas movie that is about family and revealed that Billy Batson's mission in the film is to find his mom. While sadly none of us know what its like to shoot lightning out of our hands, the issue of family and belonging are universal and more familiar to people than the pure need to survive that we witness in the grand event films in this genre.

As superhero movies and universes mature and expand, there is a natural tendency, as Jim Gordon suspected in Batman Begins, toward escalation. Every movie has to be bigger, the villain has to be more dangerous and the stakes have to be higher. Not that there is anything wrong with that as long as it is executed properly, but when the world is at stake every time out, the threat is harder to take seriously. What Cooper Andrews said about Shazam! is refreshing because it means that we may be getting something that feels new in this movie. We've already postulated that Shazam! is the DCEU's best hope, and I think that a more grounded story lends credence to that thought.

Shazam! strikes theaters on April 5, 2019. Keep an eye on our guide for all the latest from the DCEU, and to see what movies you can still look forward to in 2019, take a look at our release schedule.

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