Would Freddie Mercury Have Liked Bohemian Rhapsody? Here's What Brian May Says

Would Freddie Mercury Have Liked Bohemian Rhapsody? Here's What Brian May Says

A lot of people have a lot of opinions about Freddie Mercury biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, but the most important opinion is one we'll unfortunately never get. We'll never know for sure what Freddie Mercury himself would think of Bohemian Rhapsody, the film that tells the story of Queen and his own personal rise and fall. The best we can do is ask those that knew him well what they think. Queen guitarist Brian May is one of those people, and for what it's worth, he thinks Mercury would appreciate the film, for being honest, and showing his flaws as well as his greatness. According to May...

I think he would have felt it was a fair cop. It shows all his greatness and all his fallibility and insecurity -- the whole bit. I think it shows him very truthfully and not sycophantically, but in a way that appreciates his talent. Because he was sure was unique. I've never met anybody like Freddie in my life, before or since, and it's probably not going to happen again.

It's certainly true that Bohemian Rhapsody shows Freddie Mercury's fallibility as well as what made him so incredibly special in the world of music. It's clear from the outset that the man, played in the film, by Rami Malek, has a natural talent that is unparalleled. The film shows the title track of the film, "Bohemian Rhapsody" is his brainchild, and he becomes obsessive in getting every element of it just right. He's a magnetic stage presence who helps bring every one of Queen's hits to life.

At the same time, we see Mercury go down a path of self-destruction. Excessive parties and indulgence, along with the manipulation of a manager that Mercury falls victim to, end up separating him from the rest of the band and nearly causing its end, until he finally sees the light and comes back around.

There's a reason that we frequently don't see biographical stories about people until after they're dead. People usually don't want to face their flaws and their bad decisions, which makes it difficult to tell an accurate story, because everybody has flaws and makes bad decisions.

Brian May tells Louder that he thinks that Freddie Mercury would appreciate that the film doesn't simply make him look perfect, perhaps that's true.

Of course, the same can't be said for the members of Queen that are still alive. The three of them end up looking pretty close to perfect, with Mercury drawn as the "bad guy" at nearly every turn. A lot has been made of the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody makes some pretty significant changes to the real story of Queen, and one certainly has to wonder how Freddie Mercury would respond to that.

We'll never really know how the Queen frontman would feel about the new film, in the end, that's probably a good thing.

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Luke Skywalker's Character Arc Was Planned Years Before The Last Jedi

Luke Skywalker's Character Arc Was Planned Years Before The Last Jedi

One of the major criticisms that has been leveled at Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and its writer Rian Johnson specifically, is that it handled Luke Skywalker wrong somehow. That Luke's portrayal as a man who abandoned civilization to die alone was improper for the character. Whether or not that's true, it seems that Rian Johnson may not be the one to blame, as it appears Luke's decision was made back in 2013, before even Star Wars: The Force Awakens was made. At least, that's according to Christian Alzmann, who drew one of the earliest pieces of concept art of Luke for the new trilogy.

Christian Alzmann says that as far back as January 2013, before production on Star Wars: The Force Awakens had even begun, Luke was being described as "hiding from the world in a cave" like Col Kurtz, Marlon Brando's character in Apocalypse Now. This would seem to indicate that the version of Luke that we saw in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was always the one that was intended and this wasn't a case of Rian Johnson randomly going rogue.

It certainly makes some sense. At the end of the day, the fact that Luke Skywalker had removed himself to live alone on an island was a decision made in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and there are only so many reasons why Luke would have done that. Rian Johnson had to explain that decision and whether or not he was given the same description as Christian Alzmann or not, it's an explanation that makes sense.

Of course, the comparison to Apocalypse Now's Col. Kurtz only goes so far. Kurtz hasn't just removed himself from the rest of the world but he's gone crazy and built a cult to himself deep in the jungle. Luckily that's not what happened to Luke. That would have really upset some people.

The art itself isn't that different from the version of Luke Skywalker that we got in the film. Luke's a little better kept here, with his hair in a top knot like a samurai. He's a bit more monk-like, but he still looks like somebody who probably hasn't had much human contact recently.

Regardless of where the idea for Luke Skywalker's character arc came from, there will certainly still be those unhappy with it. The fact that Luke went away to die following making a terrible mistake with his nephew is still viewed by many as antithetical to his character, something which Rian Johnson continues to argue against.

Where the story goes from here is anybody's guess. Mark Hamill is confirmed to appear in the forthcoming Star Wars Episode IX. Whether that means we'll see Luke Skywalker again in flashbacks or as a Force Ghost is anybody's guess at this point.

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