James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

It's been one week since Aquaman released in theaters and the movie is cleaning up at the box office. While it is by no means a perfect movie, it's fun, light, and knows exactly what it is. Even if some fans think that the film can be pretty cheesy at times, well, that's okay with director James Wan! He wanted to make a sentimental movie, and if people think that's cheesy, then so be it. Here's what he said.

And of course, Steven Spielberg is one of my idols, and he's one guy who is not afraid to be sentimental in his films. So I thought you know what, there's nothing wrong with that. And I don't care if people think it's cheesy or too sentimental. It is who I am, and that's the only way I know how to make my films: be true to myself.

Aquaman is a movie that very much wears its heart on its sleeve. The film opens with a love story about an undersea princess and a lighthouse keeper starting a family, and has qualities not unlike a fairy tale. In addition to that romance, there's a magical kingdom, an evil king, a quest to find an artifact that can save the world, and ANOTHER romance with a princess.

All of that is intentional, and Aquaman isn't afraid to show some sincerity. However, sometimes that sincerity can get lumped in with being cheesy, a word that's been used to describe Aquaman. Director James Wan is fine with that comparison.

James Wan told ScreenRant that he only knows how to make movies that are true to himself and he's a sentimental guy. Plus, Steven Spielberg isn't afraid to get emotionally tender in any of his films, and if Spielberg can do it, then that's the green light for any filmmaker to do so as well.

This writer would argue that being cheesy isn't a bad thing, if done well, and Aquaman does it well. It's a pretty self-aware movie that knows when it's getting cheesy but owns it.

Also, it's not like there isn't plenty of action to balance out that cheese (and that Pitbull song). The whole last half hour of the movie is really epic and should satisfy anyone who wanted a little more action from this blockbuster film.

You can decide for yourself if Aquaman is too cheesy or not by going to see the movie. The DC superhero film is out in theaters right now, so feel free to check it out once you've got a moment. With 2019 fast approaching, be sure to keep an eye out for all the big releases still yet to come by reading our 2019 movie release guide.

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James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

Aquaman Director Doesn't Care If It Feels 'Cheesy'

James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

Aquaman's movie ends in a fight, but it starts as a classic love story between his parents, a humble lighthouse keeper and the Queen of Atlantis.And while some have criticized that fairy tale flashback as a bit too 'sentimental' or 'cheesy' to work, director James Wan says it's the only way he was ever going to tell his Aquaman origin.
'Aquaman' Director James Wan Doesn't Mind Being The Underdog

James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'-%It's been one week since Aquaman released in theaters and the movie is cleaning up at the box office. While it is by no means a perfect movie, it's fun,
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

Even if some fans think that the film can be pretty cheesy at times, well, that's okay with director James Wan! He wanted to make a sentimental movie, and if people think that's cheesy, then so be it.
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

Even if some fans think that the film can be pretty cheesy at times, well, that's okay with director James Wan! He wanted to make a sentimental movie, and if people think that's cheesy, then so be it. Here's what he said. Aquaman is a movie that very much wears its heart on its sleeve.
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy'

It's been one week since Aquaman released in theaters and the movie is cleaning up at the box office. While it is by no means a perfect movie, it's fun, light, and knows exactly what it is. Even if some fans think that the film can be pretty cheesy at times, well, that's okay with director James Wan!
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy

It's been one week since Aquaman released in theaters and the movie is cleaning up at the box office. While it is by no means a perfect movie, it's fun, light, and knows exactly what it is. Even if some fans think that the film can be pretty cheesy at times, well, that's okay with director James Wan! He wanted to make a sentimental movie
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy

James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy' Movies December 30, 2018 No Comments It's been one week since Aquaman released in theaters and the movie is cleaning up at the box office.
James Wan Doesn't Mind If You Think Aquaman Is 'Cheesy

'Aquaman' Director James Wan Doesn't Mind Being The Underdog This Holiday Season Aquaman Director James Wan feels there is more than enough to go around at the box office. I think I'd be

James Wan likes his Aquaman with a little extra cheese. from CinemaBlend Latest Content

Taron Egerton Says Elton John Biopic Rocketman Isnt Holding Anything Back

Taron Egerton Says Elton John Biopic Rocketman Isnt Holding Anything Back

When you think of the movie musical, you think of fun song and dance numbers that, traditionally, are part of a grand, larger than life story. However, the tone of a musical is usually such that things never get too serious or too deep. However, it seems that the forthcoming musical about the life of Elton John, Rocketman, is going all in, as star Taron Egerton has revealed that the film includes an apparently quite physical gay sex scene with Richard Madden, and even deals with the singer's time spent in rehab. According to Egerton...

I probably shouldn't be telling you this but we have a sex scene. We went to some places together and got quite physical. I've watched it back and I think it looks great. The grown-up nature of the film, combined with it being a musical, makes it feel quite zeitgeisty. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but it's basically about Elton in rehab, so we're not watering anything down.

Richard Madden plays the role of John Reid in Rocketman, who became Elton John's manager as well as lover. It seems that when it came time for the two to film a sex scene together, both of the actors decided to give it their all. While Egerton doesn't really go into detail about what that means, it sounds like we could be in for quite a passionate love scene.

However, what's probably more interesting about Taron Egerton's comments to The List is his revealing that the movie is about Elton John in rehab. The first trailer for the film does show Elton John getting indulgent, and one shot where he's receiving medical attention of some kind. It sounds like the rehab aspect might be a framing device for the film, a place for Elton John to look back on his life and career, which might also explain why the story gets a little fantastic when it comes to the more traditional movie musical elements. It's all happening in Elton's head.

Telling stories about a person's real life in film is always tough because no life is without its darker elements and while you want to tell a story that is true, a filmmaker also wants to tell one that is entertaining for the audience in someway. That need for entertainment is all the more true when you're making a musical, so Rocketman could be forgiven if it glossed over some elments of Elton John's life, especially since the movie isn't designed to be a realistic biopic, the tagline for the film is that it is based on a "real fantasy.". However, it seems that, at least in some cases, the movie decided to be more serious and, as Taron Egerton says, "adult."

It certainly appears that Rocketman will be tacking a more serious an honest approach to the material than something like The Greatest Showman. While that one was a fun musical, it couldn't exactly be said to not be watering anything down. Rocketman will be in theaters in May.

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7 Major Marvel Questions We Have After Ant-Man And The Wasp

7 Major Marvel Questions We Have After Ant-Man And The Wasp

The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Ant-Man and the Wasp. Come check it out after you've seen the film.

We knew that Ant-Man and the Wasp wasn't going to dwell too much on the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe story currently going on, but that doesn't mean it hasn't left us with its own big questions we need answered. The last Marvel movie of the year has set up the finale of the current phase of the MCU to get going next year, and while Avengers: Infinity War left us with far more questions than answers, the newest movie has just piled on top of that with more questions.

We now know what Ant-Man and the Wasp were doing during the events of Avengers: Infinity War, but we have even less idea what's going to happen next. Here are the biggest questions we have after seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Where Exactly Is Ghost?The last time we actually see Ghost in the film, she's on the run. She's been at least somewhat healed by Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), but she has come to come to terms with what she did in order to try and get better and she clearly understands she's done some bad things. However, in the post-credits scene to Ant-Man and the Wasp, we see our heroes trying to obtain more healing particles from the Quantum Realm in order to help her. This tells us that Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen) will need more help before she is truly healed. It also implies that they know she needs the help, and that they think they can get these particles to her. Is Ghost on the run, or is she working with this team now?

What Exactly Is Janet Now?After spending decades inside the Quantum Realm, Janet Van Dyne has absorbed a great deal of energy. She's able to simply infuse Ghost with some of it, which has at least begun the healing process -- even if it hasn't fixed her entirely. She clearly understood that she had the power, so she seems to know what it is... and what it can do. But we're clueless. Is she still human? Is she some other form of life now? How will this power affect the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future?

Who Else Did We Lose To The Snap?The biggest moment of Ant-Man and the Wasp happens after the credits role as the instant we knew was coming finally happens. Hank Pym, Hope Van Dyne, and Janet Van Dyne all disintegrate into dust, victims of the Infinity Stones used by Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. While we know that Scott Lang survived, the status of everybody else is left up in the air. Is Ghost actually still alive? What about Luis? Scott Lang also has a daughter who is the most adorable thing in the world and the fact that she might be gone is sickening. Most of these characters are unlikely to have a major impact on Avengers 4, but somebody like Laurence Fishburn's Bill Foster still being alive, if he is, could be important with Hank Pym gone.

Did They Fix The Suit?One of the ongoing gimmicks that Ant-Man and the Wasp uses to make things a bit more interesting the second time around is that the suit that Scott Lang is given is an experimental prototype Ant-Man suit which, as it turns out, still has some bugs to work out. Scott Lang grows and shrinks randomly and without warning at several points in the film. We're never told if the suit is entirely fixed. This could end up being quite important going forward. If Ant-Man ends up fighting alongside our other heroes in Avengers 4 it could be an issue if his suit continues to cause problems. On the other hand, if the suit accidentally increases his size to an extreme degree, maybe that will be what saves him from the Quantum Realm.

Will We See Agent Woo Again?This may be a fairly small question in the grand scheme of things, but it's still one that desperately needs an answer. Randall Park's Agent Woo was the single best new addition to the MCU in Ant-Man and the Wasp. He needs to become a part of not only future Ant-Man films but the MCU as a whole. He can be the new Agent Coulson, showing up as needed as the all-purpose government agent that shows up whenever any Marvel movie needs one.

Why Didn't Ant-Man And Wasp Try And Help In Wakanda?It's difficult to line up the chronology of Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp perfectly. There are a few places in both films where significant time could have passed between scenes. However, the one moment we can line up exactly is "the snap." This means the Battle of Wakanda is happening at the same time that Ant-Man is getting ready to enter the Quantum Realm. Which in turn means all the events of New York have already happened. Even if Scott doesn't know what's happening in Wakanda, wouldn't the guy who came to Captain America's aid in Civil War try to reach out and see what the Avengers are doing following the disappearance of Tony Stark, which we know made global headlines? Scott is no longer under house arrest at this point, so he's free to help.

What Happens To Ant-Man Now?And this, of course, brings us to the biggest question of all for Ant-Man and the Wasp. What the hell is going to happen to Scott Lang? He's apparently stuck in the Quantum Realm with no way out since the people who were supposed to pull him out have been turned to dust. If there was a way out on your own, one would think Janet Van Dyne would have found it. Will somebody just happen by and press the "Return" button? Will he sit there until the end of Avengers 4 and then get pulled out in the post-credits scene by a resurrected Wasp? If he does, will come back with super healing powers?

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