Jessica Chastain's Eve Loses Director After Massive Backlash

Jessica Chastain's Eve Loses Director After Massive Backlash

At the beginning of August, Jessica Chastain announced that, through her production company, she would be producing and starring in a new character-driven action film called Eve. Australian director Matthew Newton, who also wrote the film, was set to direct and produce. This announcement was met with swift and fierce backlash against the actress and the film because Matthew Newton plead guilty to assaulting his girlfriend in Australia back in 2007. Amid the backlash, Matthew Newton has now left the project.

Matthew Newton, whose most recent film, the critically acclaimed Who We Are Now, released in the U.S. earlier this year, seems to have left Eve voluntarily, according to Deadline. He released a statement addressing the criticisms, acknowledging his past mistakes, the efforts he's made to change and his desire to do better in the future and contribute to the positive change occurring in the industry. A replacement director for Eve has not been announced at this time.

In light of the ongoing #MeToo movement and Time's Up campaign, Jessica Chastain was criticized for working with Matthew Newton. Jessica Chastain has been a vocal supporter of those movements and has spoken about female empowerment and equal pay, so for some fans, her working with Matthew Newton seemed hypocritical. So petitions started popping up and there was a great deal of criticism on social media, which clearly they heard because Matthew Newton will no longer be directing Eve. By dropping out, Matthew Newton seemingly spares the film from further controversy on his account.

What is interesting here is that similar to the James Gunn situation with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the script is already written, as Eve is based on Matthew Newton's original script. So unless they scrap the script, his name would seemingly still be on the film should it find a new director and make it to theaters, leaving it still open to controversy. Although the script is already written and presumably paid for, and not as much attention is paid to who wrote a film as to who directed it. Despite that, it is still worth noting and watching how it is addressed going forward.

When Eve was announced, no release date was given, so they should have plenty of time to find a suitable replacement for the exiting Matthew Newton. Also, other than being a character-driven action movie, the plot details for Eve are being kept under wraps at this time.

Jessica Chastain will next appear in two of 2019's biggest films: the second attempt at recreating one of comic's most iconic tales in X-Men: Dark Phoenix, and as Beverly Marsh in IT Chapter Two. For movies hitting theaters a little bit sooner, check out our 2018 premiere guide.

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Will Smith Is Really Hoping For A Deadshot Movie

Will Smith Is Really Hoping For A Deadshot Movie

Although the live-action DC universe has had a bumpy road to theaters, there are a handful of characters and performance that stand out among the rest, with fans are hoping for more. For David Ayer's Suicide Squad, that was the case with both Harley Quinn and Deadshot. The latter was played by the great Will Smith, with the character presented as a complicated villain, murderer, father, and friend. It's currently unclear when Suicide Squad 2 will happen, but Smith is still very interesting in playing the character-- specifically in his own solo movie. When recently asked about leading a movie, he said:

I hope so, I love playing Deadshot. I'm really enjoying that character. They've been talking about it. If a good idea comes around... we've been having meetings but I would love to. I love Deadshot.

It looks like Will Smith is very interesting playing Deadshot in more DC movies. But although there have been some meetings, there doesn't appear to be a concrete plan for the actor to star in a solo flick.

Will Smith's comments come from a Youtube Live video he did (via Heroic Hollywood), where the actor fielded some questions before bungee jumping from the Grand Canyon for his 50th birthday. In it, Smith provided a quick update about his DCEU character, and the motivation to possibly do a spinoff movie of his own one day. But smart money says Suicide Squad 2 will happen before then.

As it stands now, Suicide Squad 2 is still very much in development, with no release date or production start announcement. The Accountant director Gavin O'Connor is currently attached to both direct and write the project-- taking on the mantle from David Ayer. Leading actors Smith, Margot Robbie, and Jared Leto have all expressed their interest to return, and hopefully fix the misstep that was the first film. But that's not happening anytime soon.

Back in August, it was announced that Suicide Squad 2 was going to be delayed, reportedly so Will Smith could film the sequel to Netflix's Bright. In the meantime, it seems DC is moving forward with its Birds of Prey movie, allowing Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn to appear in another DC movie before teaming back up with her villain buddies. Smith always has a ton of projects going on at once, and this point in his career is certainly no exception. As such, we'll have to wait for Deadshot to come back and kick some more ass.

Deadshot does seem like a great character to give a solo movie, perhaps even a prequel. His life of crime was only briefly scene and referenced in Suicide Squad, as well as his relationship with his daughter. Perhaps a solo movie could turn back time, and show Deadshot in his hayday.

The Birds of Prey movie is currently slated to arrive in theaters on February 7, 2020. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

It seems like we shouldn't write off the Deadshot solo movie as Will Smith still hasn't given up hope on the project.. Few months after Suicide Squad had arrived in theaters, a report surfaced on web suggesting that Warner Bros. was developing a standalone movie for Will Smith's Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot.
Will Smith Hoping To Star In A Deadshot Movie | 411MANIA

Will Smith says the Deadshot solo movie is still in development and he remains committed to returning as the Suicide Squad character. Despite Suicide Squad not being the most beloved DC movie of
Deadshot solo movie teased by Suicide Squad star Will Smith

"I sure hope so. I love playing Deadshot," Will Smith responded. "I really enjoy that character. They have been talking about it, so if a good idea comes around - we have been having meetings - but I would love to. I love Deadshot." Will Smith is also said to be returning as the character for Suicide Squad 2, which is currently in development.
Will Smith teases solo Deadshot movie after secret meetings

CBM reports that Will Smith was recently interviewed (before doing a bungee jump at the Grand Canyon) where he revealed that he's still hoping to play Deadshot again in an solo spinoff.. He said
Will Smith Is Still Keen To Reprise SUICIDE SQUAD Role For

Will Smith has given hope for a solo Deadshot movie and we are all here for it. Fans have hoped the Suicide Squad character would receive a standalone film after his on-screen debut in 2016.
Will Smith Still Hopes For a Deadshot Movie -

When asked by a fan whether or not there would be a Deadshot movie, Smith dished on having meetings with the studio for the project: "I hope so, I love playing Deadshot. I'm really enjoying
Will Smith Updates Deadshot Movie For 50th Birthday | Cosmic

Will Smith Is Really Hoping For A Deadshot Movie

It looks like Will Smith is very interesting playing Deadshot in more DC movies. But although there have been some meetings, there doesn't appear to be a concrete plan for the actor to star in a
Will Smith Hopes A 'Deadshot' Standalone Movie Will Happen

Will Smith is keeping his sights on a potential Deadshot movie. When asked Tuesday during a YouTube live Q&A whether the long-rumored Suicide Squad spinoff featuring his character Deadshot will materialize, Smith replied, "I hope so. I love playing Deadshot. I'm really enjoying that character."
Will Smith Says He's Still Hoping To Make Deadshot Solo Movie

And, luckily, he's quite keen on the idea too. Talking to fans on his YouTube channel, Smith responded to rumours of the solo project: "I hope so.I love playing Deadshot. I really enjoyed that
Deadshot: Will Smith Confirms Having Meetings For A Solo Movie!

During a Q&A before that jump, Smith was asked a number of questions submitted online by fans and one was in regards to a Deadshot movie. "I hope so," he said. "I love playing Deadshot, I've

Will Captain America Change Race Or Gender? Here's What Frank Grillo Says

Will Captain America Change Race Or Gender? Here's What Frank Grillo Says

The Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it is coming to an end, as a decade's worth of blockbusters have come to a head with Avengers: Infinity War. The Russo Brothers' Avengers: Endgame will complete Phase Three, with the future of the shared universe a complete mystery thereafter. Many of Marvel's biggest stars are coming to the end of their contracts, with fans left to wonder: What's next for the franchise and its actors?

Captain America actor Chris Evans is one of the stars who seems to be exiting the MCU after Avengers 4, so a new character may take up the mantle. Captain America: Winter Soldier actor Frank Grillo recently spoke about Evans' departure, possibly revealing that the studio may be looking at either a woman or person of color to be the next Cap on the big screen. He said,

I don't know, but there have been rumors that Captain America could be African American. It could be a woman. You know? So they're looking.

While this is obviously not an actual confirmation, Frank Grillo seems to think the next Captain America might not be another white male actor. While his character Crossbones bit the dust in Captain America: Civil War, Grillo could theoretically have some inside information from his co-stars and collaborators within the MCU. Or could just be spitballing about the future of the franchise.

Frank Grillo's comments from Larry King Live are sure to start endless fan theories, regarding who might take up Cap's shield once Chris Evans retires from his acclaimed role as Steve Rogers--a prospect that may or may not be coming. And considering the MCU's recent focus on inclusion and diversity, almost anything is possible.

Chris Evans' departure from Captain America has been expected for quite some time, and there are already a handful of rumors regarding who could take on the shield and the responsibility moving forward. Chief among those prospects are Bucky (Sebastian Stan) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie), who have worked alongside Cap in the majority of his appearances.

Anthony Mackie's Falcon has been a strong supporting character in the MCU since Captain America: Winter Soldier, and was welcomed into The Avengers quickly after his first appearance. He has military training and superhero experience, and it would be great to see his character get some more attention and complexity. Plus, it would likely be a significant moment for Captain America to be a person of color, with representation being a major topic of conversation in the film industry right now.

Sebastian Stan's Bucky seems like another great choice, although the status of his contract with Marvel is a bit more unclear. Bucky has had quite the redemption arc since he was brainwashed as a villain, so it would be a significant narrative moment to make him a bonafide hero, let alone a leader of The Avengers. Of course, both he and Falcon would need to be brought back from the dead, as they were victims of Thanos' finger snap of death in Avengers: Infinity War.

If Captain America were going to end up becoming a woman, it's a little less clear as to who could take on the mantle, at least given the current slate of leading ladies in the franchise. Perhaps the most obvious choice would be Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, although it would be hard for fans to see her take on a different superheroine role. But with the Black Widow solo movie in active development over at Marvel, ScarJo might end up sticking around the MCU for a while more, and continuing to be among the most profitable actresses in Hollywood.

Another option might be Emily VanCamp's Agent 13/Sharon Carter. Sharon had a supporting role in the last two Captain America movies, although she was noticeably absent from the events of Infinity War. If Steve Rogers falls in battle in the final conflict against Thanos (as fans have been predicting for years), then it would be powerful to see his former lover (and Peggy Carter's great niece) step up to the plate to continue his legacy. If that's the ultimate goal and VanCamp is interested in a larger role in the shared universe, that is. Lots of ifs, there.

It should be interesting to see how the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues without some of its stars. In addition to Chris Evans, both Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr. are coming to the end of their contract with Avengers 4. Disney has been keeping tight lipped about what the future looks like, mostly because it has the potential to spoil the events of the upcoming blockbuster.

Robert Downey, Jr. has already been seen taking on additional projects outside his contract, like his role in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Still, considering he's been playing Tony Stark since 2007's Iron Man, the 53 year-old actor might want distance from the armor. Chris Hemsworth seems more likely to stay, as Thor: Ragnarok was a game changer for his iconic superhero character.

If the MCU's next Captain America is a person of color or a woman, it would be a major change for the franchise. The superhero genre has been criticized for only focusing on characters that are male and white-- an observation that can certainly be seen in the first few phases of the MCU, but has changed more in recent films.

Phase Three has been changing things up, putting women and POCs in larger roles. Ant-Man and The Wasp and Captain Marvel are the first movies to feature female protagonists, and the still-developing Black Widow movie should finally give Scarlett Johansson's character the spotlight she deserves.

Ryan Coogler's Black Panther also made history when it was released for a few reasons. The hit movie featured an outstanding cast of black actors, and its title character broke new ground as a black lead in the MCU. Furthermore, Black Panther's box office performance was record breaking, proving that casual moviegoers and the hardcore fandom alike will show up to protagonists of all colors, shapes, and sizes.

We'll likely get some answers when Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on May 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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