Nick Furys Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of Another Marvel Character

Nick Furys Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of Another Marvel Character

Despite being released back in April, moviegoers haven't stopped debating the wild events of Avengers: Infinity War. The Russo Brothers did the impossible by balancing a giant ensemble cast, while providing a story that has both action and character-driven story. And the devastating affect of Thanos' snap (aka The Decimation) was a plot twist no one saw coming.

Fans were left to watch in horror as Marvel favorites faded into dust. This included Nick Fury and Maria Hill, who briefly appeared in the film's post-credits scene. One fan has figured out who they were going to see before The Snap, believing it could mean that character is returning in Endgame. And no, it's not Phil Coulson.

Redditor freezer_face posted about it on the social media site, after re-watching Nick Fury's brief scene in Infinity War. He and Maria Hill mention going for a meeting with Cameron Klein, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent last seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Perhaps he survived The Decimation, and will have a larger role in S.H.I.E.L.D. now that his colleagues have been dusted, and the surviving Avengers are in such dire need of help.

Cameron Klein is played by Aaron Himelstein, and has had two small roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far. He was a S.H.I.E.L.D. technician in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, who was in the control room when Crossbones and his HYDRA agents attempted to gain control. He ultimately stood up against Frank Grillo's villain, and survived the beloved sequel.

He was also involved in Age of Ultron's Battle of Sakovia, and very nearly was killed by the titular villain himself, before being saved by Maria Hill and Nick Fury. And when they left S.H.I.E.L.D., he remained a contact from within the organization. As such, it tracks that Hill and Fury would be trying to make contact during Thanos' assault and the Battle of Wakanda.

As a reminder, you can check out Infinity War's post-credits scene below, complete with the mention of Cameron Klein.

Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and S.H.I.E.L.D. in general have been largely missing in Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans (including Samuel L. Jackson) were bummed that Fury was left out of Civil War and Black Panther, so their surprise appearance in Infinity War was a welcomed change. That is, until they turned to dust before being able to grab much screen time. Luckily for fans of Samuel L. Jackson's cycloptic hero, Fury will return to the MCU in Captain Marvel.

All our questions will be answered when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 25th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies this New Year.

This is Cameron Klein. He's the guy Fury and Hill were supposed to meet during the post-credit scene from IW. So, unless he's dusted, I think he's gonna have a role in Endgame. from

Nick Fury's Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of

If you thought we'd see the return of Nick Fury in Avengers Infinity War or Black Panther, then Samuel L. Jackson has some bad news. Infinity War, a credits scene is also in Captain Marvel
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Nick Fury's epic post-credits scene may tease more than Captain Marvel. Subscribe To Nick Fury's Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of Another Marvel Character Updates close
Nick Fury's Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of

Avengers: Infinity War's end-credits scene is an exciting cap to the movie, bringing back Nick Fury and setting up Captain Marvel. However, it also leaves some pretty big questions about where Carol Danvers has been all this time - and why Fury's only calling her now after a decade of major threat.
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Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and S.H.I.E.L.D. in general have been largely missing in Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans ( including Samuel L. Jackson ) were bummed that Fury was left out of Civil War and Black Panther , so their surprise appearance in Infinity War was a welcomed change.
Nick Fury's Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of

Marvel fans have come to expect at least one post-credits scene from Marvel's films to tease what could happen in the future and Avengers: Infinity War delivered in a small but not insignificant
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Nick Fury's Infinity War Scene May Have Teased The Return Of Another Marvel Character Movies January 3, 2019 No Comments Despite being released back in April, moviegoers haven't stopped debating the wild events of Avengers: Infinity War .
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This fan theory suggests an intriguing reason as to why Nick Fury only called Captain Marvel at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Avengers: Infinity War ended with an exciting post-credits scene

Since 2008's Iron Man (which saw Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury tease the "Avengers Initiative"), viewers have been treated to 37 post-and-mid credits scenes over 21 Marvel Cinematic
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Clark Gregg teases Phil Coulson and Nick Furys first encounter in Captain Marvel . Although Iron Man is more so remembered for introducing Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark - or Samuel L. Jacksons
Don't Expect to See Nick Fury in Avengers Infinity War or

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Movie Clip - Captain Marvel End Credits Scene (4K ULTRA HD) Clip Description: After Thanos snaps his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet, Nick Fury makes a distress call to
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The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use

The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use

It's fair to say that Avengers: Infinity War lived up to the insane amount of hype leading into the release date. The film was fun, had great action, featured high stakes, and had more than a few crushing character deaths. Most people who left the theater did so with either a smile on their face or tears in their eyes (in a good way), which only makes you wonder about the ideas that didn't make it in front of the camera.

Well, courtesy of Avengers: Infinity War - The Art of the Movie, we now know what some of those ideas would have been, and they are fascinating. No film travels the same path throughout its production journey, often taking side roads and detours. Blockbuster films throw all kinds of ideas at the wall to see what sticks and this can often result in concepts wildly different than what ends up on screen. Infinity War was no different, but just because these ideas were axed, doesn't mean they aren't awesome on paper. Here are some of the coolest ideas that Marvel scrapped for Infinity War.

Red Skull Looked Like A NightmareThe reappearance of the Red Skull was one of the biggest surprises of the film, but fans would have had their eyes pop out if Marvel had picked a different, more horrific design that was created. Concept artists create tons of different designs for every character and some of the ones for Red Skull had a huge horror angle. Rather than have what's basically Skull in a Dementor costume, the character would have leaned into his ghostly appearance. Some designs feature Skull with an ugly cracked face, while another has a shirtless, shriveled Skull with a tumor-like growth over his eyes. The Soul Stone would have done a number on old Skull.

Spider-Man and Doctor Strange Fight OutridersThroughout Infinity War, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange are on Team Space and sit out of the Wakanda battle because they are busy fighting Thanos directly. The two of them never come face-to-face with any Outriders, but one piece of concept art depicts the two of them doing just that. Instead of fighting in Wakanda, it looks like this moment would have been in New York City when the Black Order come for Strange. The art shows Spidey battling Outriders while an unconscious Strange is webbed up in a cocoon. It looks like the Black Order were at one point going to bring some back up with them to Earth.

Spidey's Back In BlackSticking with Spider-Man, the Web-Slinger had a lot of different designs for his Iron-Spider costume. Some of these were straight adaptations of the one he wore in the comics, but one was noticeably unique. The suit was entirely black, which will immediately remind Spidey fans of his symbiote costume. However, don't jump to any Venom conclusions yet because the suit still looks Stark-made, just in a black coloring. While not a symbiote, it's still interesting to learn that Marvel was playing around with the black costume, which is Spider-Man's most iconic look outside of his classic red and blue.

Thor And Rocket Fight A Giant SnakeFans who have been following Infinity War marketing since Day 1 will recognize the above concept art of Thor and Rocket Raccoon. It was one of the first images released for the film, but this is actually only a piece of the image. The Art Of book reveals the whole thing, which shows the duo and Groot battling a giant snake. At some point in this movie about space rocks, Thor and Rocket were going to fight a giant two-headed serpent. This beast is likely the MCU's take on the Midgard Serpent, a massive snake so long that it can wrap around the entire planet, and is said to usher in Ragnarok. Apparently, Thor's mission for a new weapon was envisioned as more of a mystical journey that would have culminated in this battle. It was probably taken out because it looks like it's for an entirely different movie than this one.

Hulk Was In The Battle Of WakandaThe Hulk mostly sits out Infinity War, only appearing right at the beginning and then refusing to come out again. The film's trailer infamously misleads fans on that detail by showing Hulk in the Battle of Wakanda, but there was an early version of the story where Hulk WAS fighting. The concept art shows an entirely different take on the Wakanda action in which Hulk didn't mind going head-to-head against Thanos one more time. In fact, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Groot, and Black Panther would have held Thanos down while Thor plunged his ax into Thanos' chest. This mirrors exactly what happened during the battle on Titan with Iron Man's team, who were ultimately chosen to do this scene instead of the Earth crew.

Thanos Unleashes The Power Of The Soul StoneAfter spending a good chunk of the movie trying to acquire the Soul Stone, Thanos doesn't appear to use it much in battle outside of a quick moment. In one of the most fascinating pieces of concept art, a splash page reveals Thanos using the Soul Stone against the assemblage of Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy on Titan. The illustration shows what appears to be the orange soul of each character getting ripped from their bodies. It's a stunning piece of art, but I can see how it never made it to the theatrical release. How exactly do you come back from having your soul split from your body? It would have made Thanos too powerful to defeat at that stage in the movie.

Iron Man's Armor Transforms Into A RocketTony Stark has been keeping himself busy before Infinity War and has built his most powerful suit to date. Utilizing nanotech to make a variety of weapons, Iron Man was one of the only characters to draw blood from Thanos. He showed off some incredible tricks, but one piece of concept art shows the potential for what else he could have done. Mainly, Iron Man could have turned himself into a rocket. The art features Iron Man with huge boosters and a pointed tip resembling the nose of a missile protruding out of his chest. The idea seems to be that this is the form he would take for space travel, but his armor extensions and weapons ended up taking a more straightforward route. Nothing wrong with bigger guns and a sword!

Before going to see Endgame, I had decided that if I liked it half as much as Infinity War, then I would be satisfied. The fact that I have to debate in my head about which one I like more is a great thing, lemmetellya. I think that if I had to choose, I would go with Infinity War. Personally, I find the writing to be overall superior in that film.
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It's fair to say that Avengers: Infinity War lived up to the insane amount of hype leading into the release date. The film was fun, had great action, featured high stakes, and had more than a few
The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use

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Blockbuster films throw all kinds of ideas at the wall to see what sticks and this can often result in concepts wildly different than what ends up on screen. Infinity War was no different, but just because these ideas were axed, doesn't mean they aren't awesome on paper. Here are some of the coolest ideas that Marvel scrapped for Infinity War.
The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To

The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use

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Read on for the correct order to watch all the Marvel movies through 2019. Note: In my post on the best order to watch the Netflix Marvel shows, I suggest that you can skip Iron Fist and still follow along the other shows just fine.

Blockbuster films throw all kinds of ideas at the wall to see what sticks and this can often result in concepts wildly different than what ends up on screen. Infinity War was no different, but just because these ideas were axed, doesn't mean they aren't awesome on paper. Here are some of the coolest ideas that Marvel scrapped for Infinity War.
The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use
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From Avengers Infinity War to Mission Impossible Fallout, the

Home 2018 November 12 The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To Use feel free to call us +646-389-3981 admin , November 12, 2018 November 12, 2018 , Entertainment , 0
The Best Avengers: Infinity War Ideas Marvel Decided Not To

Gerard Butler Really Loved Working With Zack Snyder For 300

Gerard Butler Really Loved Working With Zack Snyder For 300

We can add Gerard Butler to the list of big Zack Snyder fans. The Scottish actor starred as Leonidas in 2007's 300, and recently he took the opportunity to gush about the movie's director in a video interview, saying:

I'll tell you what he gave me, and it was more about my humanity as an actor on set rather than necessarily performance. A lot of what we did together in that movie was learning on the fly. None of us had ever worked with that amount of green screen. I don't think many people had worked with that amount of green screen, and it was a quick learning process of coming up with these massive ideas and having to minimize it, internalize it, and make it all truthful. But what I loved about Zack is that I'd never met a guy with such passion from the second I met him.

Gerard Butler spent most of his Fox 5 DC interview promoting his new action movie Hunter Killer, but he bookended his talk with praise for Zack Snyder, as a director and just as a kind human being who would take the time to make a crew member feel better when they messed something up on set.

Butler had been asked specifically about working with Snyder in relation to all the 300 green screen, and what that taught him. The actor also tied Snyder's passion to the origin of King Leonidas' famous 300 line.

"This Is Sparta" was such "a bizarre line to say," Butler said, and he tried repeating it a bunch of different ways for different takes. He asked for one last time, the final version it seems, and it was so over-the-top it made the stunt guys guffaw. Butler thought it might be too much, but Zack Snyder thought it was awesome. And it was.

300 was only the second feature film directed by Zack Snyder, after his 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake. To call 300 a hit would be hiding it in the shade. The production budget was around $65 million and it made more than $450 million around the world. (If only Gerard Butler's struggling Hunter Killer could boast the same box office numbers.)

After making 300 for Warner Bros., Zack Snyder became a go-to director of comic book adaptations, from Watchmen to the DC Extended Universe's Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Justice League.

Snyder famously had to step away from directing Justice League, which was subsequently taken over by Joss Whedon. Justice League co-star Ray Fisher recently said he'd still like to make a Cyborg standalone movie with Snyder. So it's clear Gerard Butler isn't the only major fan, not to mention all the fans still pushing for the Snyder cut of Justice League.

Hunter Killer is now playing in theaters. Zack Snyder still has producer credits on the upcoming DCEU movies, including Aquaman, which opens in theaters December 21.

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Ryan Reynolds Shares Behind-The-Scenes Photo Of Detective Pikachu

Ryan Reynolds Shares Behind-The-Scenes Photo Of Detective Pikachu

While there was initially quite a bit of skepticism surrounding Warner Bros' Detective Pikachu release, when its trailer hit, many fans found themselves unexpectedly excited for the first live-action Pokmon movie.

Much of Detective Pikachu's early zing with audiences has been thanks to Ryan Reynolds' voice role as the iconic adorable yellow Pokmon, alongside Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's breakout star Justice Smith. Now Reynolds' is sharing a little behind-the-scenes look at his how he became the furry detective on screen. Take a look:

Ryan Reynolds recently shared the image on his Instagram, with the caption "Pika-dots." Looking at the split-screen picture, we can see a bit of the Deadpool actor in Pikachu as they both share deep brown eyes and a familiar smirk. The image shows that the famed Pokmon will have a bit more of Reynolds in him besides his voice, with the help of motion capture technology.

This definitely makes us curious about how Ryan Reynolds might have interacted on set with the other actors while in motion capture. Was he squatting to Pikachu-size on the sets alongside Justice Smith, delivering his lines and acting like the lovable Pokmon? More footage cannot come soon enough.

It's certainly exciting to know that Ryan Reynolds isn't just voicing the role of Detective Pikachu. The image confirms that his face was captured while delivering the lines too, bringing out a more complete performance from the actor.

Ryan Reynolds is exceptional at comedic timing, and the fact that his voice is inside a cute little Pikachu dressed in a Sherlock Holmes hat means a ton of hilarious and adorable moments are certain to come in the movie.

Fans of the Pokmon franchise certainly wouldn't have guessed that the spinoff game Detective Pikachu would be the first to be adapted by a major studio, or that the quick-witted voice of Deadpool would be the star, but here we are!

The trailer displays a promising live-action introduction to the world of Pokmon by focusing on the story of Tim Goodman as he teams up with Pikachu. Tim is the only one who can understand Pikachu speak words other than "pika-pika," and they work together to find Tim's missing father, who was a gifted police detective.

Detective Pikachu also teased tons of Pokmon from the familiar world -- including charizards, jigglypuffs, and bulbasaurs -- with room for other Pokmon references yet to be seen.

The movie comes from director Rob Letterman, who has steered some other family-friendly films in the past, including Goosebumps, Gulliver's Travels and Shark Tale. Detective Pikachu also stars Ken Watanbe, Karan Soni, Bill Nighy, Kathyrn Newton, and Suki Waterhouse. It comes to theaters on May 10, 2019, along with tons of other exciting releases in the new year.

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